Bike Kitchen Belgrade is an informal group of cycling enthusiasts. Bike-Kitchen was opened on the 8th of March 2015. There are three voluntaries running the bike-kitchen. It is daily opened from 16 till 20h and on weekends from 12 till 20 o´clock. Weekly there is around 30 visitors interested into fixing bicycles, working with different tools, or promoting cycling and healthy way of living.
Rooted in the F/OSS movement values, and subsequent elaboration in the “open hardware” projects, the Bike Kitchen concept was initiated in the US, and is becoming a global phenomenon. Exchange of knowledge and skills, blurring the lines between “users” and “volunteers” is at the center of the Bike Kitchen concept. BkB was started in 2014 in a small garage, and moved to the Urban Incubator space (KM8) at the beginning of 2015. This has enabled a significant increase in exposure and visibility.
The main tasks of the Bike Kitchen Belgrade are to maintain a non-for-profit bicycle workshop and to promote the cycling, volunteering and DIY culture in Belgrade. This process includes provision of practical, hands-on assistance in bicycle maintenance, exchange of skills and sharing specialized tools.
Events organized by Bike-Kitchen community:
“Bike flea market”, 1st Saturday each month
The “Bike flea market” is a regular gathering of cycling enthusiast, open for trade or exchange of bicycle parts and equipment.
“Bike repair workshop”, 2nd Saturday each month
Bicycle repair workshop takes place on the 2nd Saturday every month, as well as whenever a request to use the workshop is sent through the Bike kitchen Facebook group.
“Public meeting”, 3rd Saturday each month
The public meeting of BkB volunteers provides a space for volunteers, both regular and new, to coordinate the operations of the Bike kitchen. This includes tasks such as developing procedures for tracking the income (grant funds, donations box) and regulating expenses, running the social media content, keeping the workshop in order, etc.
“Social event”, 4th Saturday each month
A social event at the end of each month is organized to present the Bike kitchen to wider audiences.